Potato Milk - You Bring Out The God In Me

Solo Best of/Anthology Compilation, Every Genre, 2004 - 2008

After discovering 194 fully-recorded songs on some old hard drives (the vast majority of which nobody has ever heard) I was faced with a tough decision. Do I accept that music stays unheard for such a long time due to good reason? Or do I flood the world with content and release a full anthology boxset in hopes that when I die, it will all mean something? In the end, I met myself halfway and painstakingly trawled through each song, whittling down the best of them until I was left with my 40 favourites, here.
It’s a fuckload of Jared to get through in one go, so why not challenge yourself and see how far you can get? It’s also an interactive album in the way that it’s not mastered whatsoever so you may have to adjust your volume from track to track. Fun! Don’t show anyone.


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